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I’m going to share some of my favorite fat loss tips!

But before I do, I need to clear up a popular myth, “in order to lose weight, you need to be in a calorie deficit”

This is based on a very flawed model assuming all calories are equal. Your body treats protein, fats, and carbs very differently. In fact not all carbs are the same, not all fats are the same, and not all proteins are the same.

Sugar is instantly absorbed but fiber is mostly not absorbed. However they’re both carbs and have the same caloric value. Should we count calories from foods we don’t absorb?

Industrial seed oils (canola, soybean, etc) are highly inflammatory which can lead to weight gain. Healthy fats from animal sources like wild caught salmon, grass fed beef can lower inflammation and lead to weight loss.

Different protein sources have different amino acid profiles and some are absorbed better than others. Peanut butter is low in methionine, an essential amino acid. Eggs have a complete amino acid profile and are absorbed 50% better than nuts.

Not all calories are created equally!

If fat loss isn’t about cutting calories, then what is the goal?

Any successful fat loss plan should be focused on lowering insulin, the fat storing hormone.

Carbohydrates raise insulin a lot more than proteins or fats. There are essential amino acids and essential fatty acids, but no essential carbohydrates. So limiting carbohydrates is the smart and safe choice.

When decreasing carbohydrates it is important to increase both fats and protein. Carbohydrates are used as an energy source so you need more fat to for fuel. Some cells can only use glucose for fuel, so more protein is needed so it can be converted to glucose.

The other dietary way to lower insulin is to eat all your meals in a short period of time known as intermittent fasting. Popular protocols range from 16 hours fasting and 8 hours feeding to one meal a day (OMAD). 

During the fasting time insulin levels will lower and you will use more of your own stored body fat for fuel.

You can combine a low carb diet and intermittent fasting for the best fat loss results!

What about exercise?

Exercising while fasting (intermittent or extended) is a great way to accelerate fat loss. 

While you are fasting, glucose is limited so our bodies are forced to use more body fat as a fuel source. So exercising while fasting makes us more efficient fat burners.

Being a more efficient fat burner means that we burn more fat both at rest and during exercise. That means that you’re using more fat for fuel all the time!

You can perform any type of exercise in a fasted state. If you are trying this for the first time, then you might want to start with lower intensity exercise like yoga or walking. However once you get more fat adapted you can perform sprints, lift weights or whatever your heart desires.

The best type of exercise is the kind you’ll actually do. High intensity interval training (HIIT) is one of the best for fat loss. But if you hate sprinting, then find something else you enjoy.

My favorite way to incorporate HIIT into my routine is to chase my dogs around at the dog park. It’s fun for me and them and we’re all getting the benefits of a great workout.

I do all my workouts fasted and even start ultramarathons in a fasted state.

What if I’m not ready for exercise?

Here’s a fat loss tip that everyone can do: cold exposure.

Cold exposure causes our bodies to increase its own body heat production known as thermogenesis. It does this by 2 different mechanisms: increasing brown adipose activity and increasing adiponectin.

Brown adipose tissue (BAT) is metabolically active and has many mitochondria. We use brown adipose tissue to create heat for the body. Consistent cold exposure will lead to white adipose tissue turning into BAT.

Adiponectin levels increase with cold exposure. This leads to increased glucose and fat oxidation in the muscles.

There are several ways to get these benefits: cold shower/bath, cooling vests/belts, and cold air. My favorites are walking my dogs in winter time wearing shorts and a t-shirt or cold showers during summer.

Cold exposure requires little effort, costs nothing, and can lead to big results. Give it a shot!

Anything else?

Many people today are overstressed and know it’s bad for their health. But did you know it could make you fat too?

When we get stressed, cortisol is released causing an increase in blood sugar. This has a similar physiological effect as eating a donut even if your diet is on point.

That increase in blood sugar causes an increase in insulin, which then leads to less fat oxidation (using fat for fuel) and increased fat storage. That’s a bad combo unless you’re Christian Bale trying to fatten up to play Dick Cheaney.

So before you start stressing out over stress, there are some easy ways to help manage it. 

The key to lowering stress is lowering your heart rate. So some activities include taking a bath, sleeping, walking, yoga, reading, meditation, and mindfulness.

Besides helping you lose fat, lowering your stress will improve your mood. If you’re in a better mood, then that will improve your relationships. Happiness is contagious.

So do yourself and the people around you a favor and take steps to lower your stress today!