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You ever wonder why you carry fat in certain spots on your body? For men, it tends to be the lower abdomen and for women, their thighs. This is where lipoprotein lipase lives. Actually, it’s found all over our body, but it is grouped together more tightly in these areas. So what is lipoprotein lipase? It’s an enzyme that breaks down the triglycerides flowing through our blood into free fatty acids and shoves them into our fat cells. This enzyme has to exist because triglycerides are too big to freely flow into fat cells. They first need to be broken down into their component parts, free fatty acids, and then moved into the fat cells. In the fat cell, we have an enzyme, glycerol phosphate, that turns those free fatty acids back into triglycerides which locks them into the cell. This has to occur because free fatty acids are so small they could simply diffuse out of the cell. And we all know how much our bodies loves holding onto fat. So you can blame those love handles or thunder thighs on that simple enzyme, lipoprotein lipase. However, the primary source of glucose used by the enzyme glycerol phosphate to turn free fatty acids back into triglycerides and lock them into our fat cells is through our diet. So reducing the amount of glucose (sugar), we can limit the amount of fuel that particular enzyme needs in order to work, helping our body release triglycerides from our fat cells and using those free fatty acids as energy. Yet another reason to reduce sugar intake

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Brittney

    Interesting read!!

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