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The best ally in your health journey has 4 legs.  I’m not talking about that guy speed walking around your neighborhood with the walking poles either. Having a dog in your life could be the best decision you could make to improve your overall health. Every time I walk through my front door I am greeted by two happy smiling faces that are so excited, that they have to run around in circles and jump up and down because they can’t control that level of excitement.  Their pure joy instantly rubs off on me even when I’m in a bad mood.  A smile instantly comes to my face and I forget about all the stress that life has thrown at me.  Dogs have an amazing ability to reduce stress by lowering cortisol and increasing oxytocin.  According to a study by the Huffington Post, it’s estimated that 75-90% of doctor visits are related to stress.  Maybe that’s why I can’t remember the last time I needed to go see the doctor? One thing most people struggle with when trying to improve their health is to find a partner to hold them accountable.  Since I’ve adopted my two dogs, I went from going on 0 walks per week to 7 walks per week.  My choices are either take my dogs for a walk or watch them chase each other around and create all sorts of chaos.  For me, I’d rather take them on a walk.   Walking outside in the sun has many health benefits.  Many people today are deficient in vitamin D.  Being in the sun is the best way to get our bodies to produce the vitamin D that we are designed to do.   Also natural light exposure helps restore our circadian rhythm (sleep/wake cycle), and helps us to get the sleep that many of us are desperately lacking.  Sleep is the time that our bodies repair themselves and grows (you can’t fix an engine while it’s running). Dogs also make great workout partners.  My dogs are 1/8 my size but still beat me in sprints when we race at the park.  Not only are they faster than me, but they also have more endurance than me.  I might not be an olympic athlete, but I’m far from a couch potato.  Running around with them in at the local park is not only a great workout but its fun and stress relieving as well. Overall if you’re looking for some help in achieving your health or fitness goals, then adopting a dog could be the best decision you could make. If adopting a dog is not something you can do, local shelters always need volunteers to walk their dogs or you could even start a side hustle and get paid to walk other people’s dogs.  

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Pamela S Rochelle

    Love your article about the dogs!!!

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