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I’m Toni Gundayao, and I’m 36 years old. I have been living an active lifestyle since 2017, but I haven’t really achieved my weight goals no matter how active I’ve been. I would be happy just to lose 10 lbs and maintain my weight between 140-145lbs. So I reached out to TNT Wellness and Nutrition after noticing some of my coworkers making progress with their program. I felt that I would probably benefit from some coaching with my diet. 

TNT wellness and Nutrition created a customized meal/exercise plan for me and I followed the plan and worked out at least 3x per week. Tyson and Tom checked in on me at least once every single day, and I would send them pictures of my meals and that really helped keep me in check. What I like about their program is that they provided me with a plan, support, and tools I needed for my weight loss goals. Anytime I had a question, I could easily get an answer through text from either one of them.

They helped me to lose the last 10-12 lbs that was so hard for me to shed. I noticed a big difference in how I fit into my clothes and definitely a flatter stomach and skinnier arms. These were my problem areas and I’m so excited to see that the fat has just been melting away. I’m really pleased with the results over the last 2-3 months. And even if I have been eating regularly during the holidays, I haven’t really gained the weight back and I’ve just been staying in the weight range that I’m happy with. More importantly, I’ve been making good food choices. Thank you TNT Wellness and Nutrition. Not only did I achieve my weight goals, but I’ve also learned so much about food and nutrition. 

Before and After