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To start incorporating fasting into your routine, all you need to do is

decrease your “feed” time and increase your “fasted” time

It’s really simple, don’t worry. And if you follow a ketogenic based diet, you already know how easy it is to fast

Most people eat an average of three times a day, starting around 8am and ending around 8pm. This is a 12 hour feed window and a 12 hour fasted window 

We want to get our “feed” window down to 6 hours a day

To start introducing intermittent fasting into your protocol, simply decrease the amount of time you’re in the feed state and increase the amount of time you’re in the fasted state. For example: If your breakfast normally is around 8am, we just push that back to 9am and every third or fourth day, push it back another hour.

Don’t feel like you need to rush it

If on one of the days you push your first meal back one hour and you find yourself starving by the time you eat, just adjust your schedule and stay at the previous time slot for a few more days until you feel comfortable pushing on. Eventually, you’ll have your breakfast the same time you normally eat lunch, around 12pm. BOOM! You now intermittent fast. Your feeding window went from 8am-8pm, to 12pm-8pm. The next step would be to either keep pushing back your first meal or have your last meal a little earlier so that your feed time gets down to 6 hours, preferably. My feeding window is from 2pm-8pm. In those six hours, I’ll eat all my meals for the day. You can also do this same thing in reverse if you find it hard to push your breakfast time back. Instead, just move your dinner time up.

My feed window is 6 hours and my fast window is 18 hours

Some days you’ll be full from one meal all day, and that’s okay. If your appetite isn’t there in the evening, don’t worry about eating. One of the benefits of keto/carnivore is being fat adapted. This gives you freedom throughout the day to do what you want with your time. You are no longer shackled to the three meals a day routine. 

Enjoy all your newly found free time