You are currently viewing Podcast Episode 35 Protein and Kidney Health

In this week’s podcast, we take a deep dive into high protein diets and how they affect our kidneys. There is a popular narrative that a high protein diet can be hard on our kidneys.

This isn’t true!!

There has never been any study showing a high protein diet will harm our kidneys.

We look into the mechanism of increased urea production with a high protein diet and also look into the science for why people with kidney disease are placed on a low protein diet.

Spoiler, the “science” is bogus! 

If you’re interested in learning more about protein and kidney health, listen to this week’s podcast.

Links to studies mentioned

Diabetics and kidney health

Diabetics and low protein diets

Low carb diet and kidney health

High protein diets with healthy kidneys

Protein intake and kidney health

Tuit Nutrition is protein bad for your kidneys