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Everything in moderation is fine if you want a moderate life. I’m not looking for a moderate life so I either do things in excess or not at all.  If something is worth doing, then give it 100% effort. FAST OR FEAST I fast at least one day a week to let my body heal itself. Digesting food requires a lot of energy.  Give your body a break every now and then so it can really focus on healing itself.  You can’t fix an engine while it’s running.   I feast on other days so my body has all the necessary nutrients required to function OPTIMALLY.  I fill my plate full of nutrient dense foods and eat until my body says it’s had enough.  If you’re eating high quality real foods, then your body is smart enough to know to utilize what it needs and you will poop out the rest. TRAIN OR REST I only train 2-3 times per week.  On my training days tho, I GO ALL OUT.  30-45 minutes of training while giving all out effort.  During each set, I go until failure.  Then I rest long enough for my body to do the next one.  Sometimes I’ll need 5 minutes to recover in between.  I couldn’t even take candy from a baby after I leave the gym.   When it comes to non-training days, I TAKE IT EASY.  I go on nice easy walks with my dogs.  I also practice yoga a couple times per week.  (Yoga might be an intense work out for some, so do this on a training day and not a rest day).  I avoid activities that really elevate my heart rate. HOT OR COLD I don’t take warm baths or showers.  It’s a waste of water. Cold water is a great way to decrease inflammation in the body.  It’s also perfect first thing in the morning to help wake up your body.  While you’re exposed to the cold water, your heart rate slows.  But when you get out of the water, your heart rate increases (nice little pick me up in the morning). Hot water increases heart rate and blood flow throughout the body.  Heat exposure also leads to increased blood plasma levels (huge benefit for athletes).  After you get out of the heat, your heart rate lowers (perfect for before bed). To maximize recovery, it’s best to use both hot and cold exposure post workout.  You start with cold for 5-10 minutes and then move to the heat for 5-10 minutes.  Repeat if needed.  LIFE I cannot remember any moderate days of my life.  The memories that matter most to me are the times that I was moved to tears by either laughter or sadness.  It’s those days that mean the most to me. TAKE AWAY If you want an average life, then by all means live life in moderation.  But if you’re like me, than live by the all or nothing principle.  Also don’t be afraid to do nothing, sometimes it’s the best thing for you.

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Pam

    Hi Tom, enjoyed reading your article, (good insights)!!

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