You are currently viewing New Age Performance 6DS Mouthpiece Review
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I pride myself on pushing my limits when I’m in the gym. I lift heavy and hard, but that comes at a cost. I noticed my jaws would feel sore and sometimes my teeth would even hurt after hard exercise routines. This happened because I clenched my teeth while training. It’s something I would honestly do subconsciously. I would only notice it after my workouts because I would end up with a sore jaw. Noticing this problem, I decided to look for a solution.

I looked online for solutions and I decided to purchase a mouth piece to wear while training to help me with my teeth clenching. I looked around and stumbled upon New Age Performance. They have multiple mouth pieces available. I purchased the 6DS, which they promote as being a good option for weight lifters. Their 5DS version is promoted for more mobility type exercises,  in which your center of balance is shifting frequently.

First off, I found the packaging to be nice, and it has a carrying case that you can easily put in your gym bag.

The first problem arose when I tried custom fitting the mouthpiece to my mouth. I followed the YouTube video to a tee, and my mouthpiece warped. The center piece of plastic that joined the two separate sides of the mouth piece expanded greatly. Visually, it didn’t look as nice anymore, but functionally, it still worked fine. You can notice the warping of the plastic in these pictures. So, I would not recommend following the YouTube video. It states to let the mouth piece rest in hot, boiling water for 50 seconds; I saw my mouthpiece warp after only 40 seconds, however, by the time I pulled it out, it was too late. So I would recommend putting the mouth piece in hot water for 30 seconds and check to see if that allows the plastic enough time to become soft and fit your unique mouth structure.

As far as working out with it goes, I enjoy using it as a supplement to my workouts. I do notice that on the final few reps of my heavy sets, having something in your mouth to bite down on as hard as you need to allows you to push through those last few reps. In that sense, the mouth piece is worth every penny. If you’re deep into this weight lifting game, you understand that true growth occurs when you can push your body hard. You must force your body to its limits and shock your system to induce systemic growth.

So would I recommend this mouth piece? Yes, I would. I wish it wasn’t so expensive (currently about $40.00 on Amazon), because let’s be honest, I don’t care how many fancy words they put on the packaging. At the end of the day, this is just a piece of plastic to bite down on. But if you’re like me, and you clench your teeth while training, or if you’re looking for the slightest edge in performance, then I would recommend you pick up this piece of equipment and add it to your arsenal.

Amazon link:

New Age Performance

This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Stephen Greengo

    I would like to know how it compares to a regular mouth piece. I train hard and as soon as I notice that I clenched my teeth I bought a regular mouthpiece for under $10. Being from a martial arts background wearing a mouth piece is normal for me so breathing and even drinking with it is not a problem. So what I would lime to know is, this mouth pice better then mine? Is it worth over $30 more?

    1. Tyson

      Honestly, I’ve never used a regular mouth piece so I have nothing to compare the 6DS to. But I’ve been using this mouthpiece for over a year and I wouldn’t want to train without it, it’s awesome! I would recommend, if money isn’t too big of an issue, to at least give it a try.

  2. Rob

    This is Rob from New age , thanks for the review 😊
    Please note from the pictures your mouthpiece looks perfect! It is supposed to distort as your did in the photos! Please follow the video fitting exactly and leave it in for the specified time! Please make sure that you do not place the mouthpiece in the pot that you used to boil your water , as shown in video , transfer the hot water it into a glass bowl. If you do not do this you will destroy your mouthpiece in seconds. For anyone reading this , our product is guaranteed to meet or exceed your expectations or your money back! Please also note our mouthpiece last for 80hr of consecutive use, the average person uses the mouthpiece 80hr in approx 3 month , so using 3 months as a gauge to replace your mouthpiece is a good idea or your performance will be decreased!

    1. Tyson

      Hi Rob! Thanks for the clarifications! Still loving the mouthpiece by the way

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