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When I was kid, being active was easy.  Recess was my favorite part of school and after school I was either riding bikes or playing sports.  It was the sitting around doing nothing part of the day that was a challenge. Today those tables have turned. I sit around most of the day driving to work, at work, driving home from work, and then I’m so tired when I get home from my day of sitting that all I want to do is sit around and watch tv.  Why is that I got to play as a kid but today as an adult I have to work out?  When did the fun get sucked out of physical activity?  How can I look forward to being active, like when I was a kid?   The solution to these problems is simple: find something that you like to do AND DO IT!!!  You can only get the benefits of running if you actually run.  Instead of going to the gym and running on the treadmill going nowhere fast, try playing a game of basketball or going to the park and running around with your kids.  You’d be surprised how intense exercise can be when it feels more like play than work. To change your workout into playtime, remove some structure from the plan.  Stop using quantitative information like time, weights, and reps.  Instead focus on qualitative information, like enjoyment and stress relief. Turning exercise into play is much better at lowering stress as well.  And some fun in the sun gives you the additional benefits of vitamin D, balancing out circadian rhythms, and improve your mood. So find your inner child and make exercise fun again!!!