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Toxins are all around us.  They are in the air we breath, the water we drink, the food we eat, and even on the products we put on our skin.

To find out more about where to find toxins and the damage that they cause, check out this week’s podcast:

It’s not all bad news tho.  There are plenty of ways to for the body to detoxify itself.  They don’t include drinking some strange juice concoction or putting something up your butt (yes people do this).

So here’s what works and is either cheap, free, or cheaper than free:

  1. Avoidance
    1. For food and cotton products like tampons, ALWAYS BUY ORGANIC
    2. At the very least avoid the dirty dozen and eat the clean 15
    3. For skin care products check out EWG’s skin deep database for the toxicity of many commonly used products
    4. Don’t put anything on your skin that you can’t eat
    5. For water, check out EWG’s water filter buying guide, reverse osmosis is the best but is costly
  2. Fasting
    1. Cheaper than free, you actually save money by not going to the grocery store
    2. According to Dr. Alan Goldhamer, the benefits of fasting come from
      1. Avoiding putting more toxins into your body
      2. Allows the body to remove toxins present in the body
      3. Allows the body to heal itself, including gut permeability issues
  3. Sweating
    1. Free
    2. Skin is largest detox organ
    3. Use a sauna instead of a steam room, steam rooms normally don’t filter the water used to create the steam so you may be breathing in more toxins as you’re eliminating others
    4. Best if done a parasympathetic state.  Try to relax, listen to calming music or meditate
  4. Plants in your home
    1. Plants have the ability to remove many toxins from the air in our homes
    2. Here is an article I wrote going into more detail, along with a NASA provided shopping list