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If you think that it’s difficult to get fit and healthy now, then where do you imagine you’ll be in 10 years?  Unless you’re 4 years old, it’s going to get a lot harder.

I may not be a professional athlete, but I prioritize training and taking care of my body like one.  I don’t do this so I can be fit in my 30s.  I train today, so I will fit and healthy in my 40s, 50s, 60s, and so on.

I start each morning with some light body weight exercises and dynamic stretches.  Everyday I walk my dogs for a few miles unless the weather is bad.  On those days I do yoga.  Most days of the week I do some sort of strength training, whether that’s sprints up hill or lifting weights.  Strength training builds muscle and increases bone density which are vital for preventing injuries.

Sustaining healthy habits in 10 years will be effortless if you establish them today.  Do you need to remember to brush your teeth everyday? 

So if you want to be healthy in 10 years, start exercising today.