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There are tons of tools you can use to recover: sauna, hot tub, foam rolling, etc.  One method that does not get enough attention however is the epsom salt bath. A great way to replenish your body with magnesium is with an epsom salt bath.  Combine 1-2 cups of epsom salt with warm to hot water.  Stay in the bath for at least 15 minutes but longer is better for greater Mg absorption. When epsom salt is added to water, it breaks apart into magnesium and sulfate.  Your body then absorbs these through the skin.  Most of the benefits are caused by magnesium. Magnesium (Mg) gets depleted when we exercise by competing for the same receptors as calcium (Ca) in muscles that cause our muscles to contract (Ca) and relax (Mg).  Magnesium also plays a large role in ATP production. Some of the benefits you can expect from magnesium include: relaxed muscles, pain relief in muscles, reduced cramps, reduced stress, and improved sleep.  All of which are very important factors in recovery from exercise. Active individuals are at greater risk for magnesium deficiency due to increased demands of ATP production and a greater amount of muscle contractions.  1-2 epsom salt baths per week might be just what you are looking for to bring you Mg levels and performance to an optimal level.