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Establishing new habits can be difficult.  We are creatures of habit.  We like what’s comfortable and familiar.  Changing ourselves is challenging.

So what can we do to create new habits?

In order to change yourself, first change your environment.  If your goal is to exercise more, then set yourself up for success.  Have your gym clothes easily accessible.  Put them somewhere visible to remind you to exercise.  My running shoes are by the front door to remind me to use them.

Put your exercise equipment somewhere you will see it.  I have a hard time walking past a pull up bar without stopping and doing a few.  If I leave my weights in the living room, my girl friend hates this btw, I am much more likely to workout while I’m watching tv.

Adding some motivational quotes or pictures to around is also a great idea.  I have my 19 for ’19 (goals for this year) taped to my bedroom door so I’ll see it multiple times a day.  The screen saver on your phone or laptop as well as your refrigerator door are other great places to put things for inspiration.

It’s not all about addition tho.

Remove the negative items from your environment.  Get the junk food out of your house.  You can’t eat something that’s not there.  Remove the tv from your bedroom to improve your sleep.  Leave your cell phone out of arm’s length while in bed so you are not tempted to look at when trying to sleep.  

So remember change your environment first to change yourself!