Nicole C. Testimonial

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Tyson is great! He is patient and honest. It was a little rough start on my end, but Tyson has kept me motivated. He has adjusted the program based on my abilities. He makes sure his gym is always welcoming. We exchange text messages to help keep me accountable. He…

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Fat Loss Tips

I’m going to share some of my favorite fat loss tips! But before I do, I need to clear up a popular myth, “in order to lose weight, you need to be in a calorie deficit” This is based on a very flawed model assuming all calories are equal. Your…

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Know Your HRV to Prevent Overtraining

Overtraining is something that many athletes struggle with.  Not just professional athletes, but weekend warriors are constantly pushing themselves too hard. People overtrain because exercise is addictive.  When we workout, endorphins (feel good hormones) are released.  Our bodies think that we are in a life or death situation.  Endorphins allow…

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Tracking Your Steps

When working towards a goal, it’s always best to track your progress.  How are you supposed to know if your methods are working if you are not tracking what you are doing? People who want to eat healthier could keep a journal of their meals or use an app like…

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Blue Light Blockers

Technology gives us many modern luxuries: computers, television, cell phones, etc.  Unfortunately all those luxuries come with a cost.  The light from these devices brighten up our homes all hours of the day. Just look next to your TV at night and I'll bet you see the blue light on…

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Avoid Mixed Drinks

I want to start with saying that no alcohol is good for you.  Contrary to popular belief, wine does not help prevent heart disease.  It’s a classic example of healthy user bias.  People that drink wine generally eat healthier diets than those that drink other types of alcohol.  People drink…

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