Sheri Testimonial

Hi I'm Sheri. I've never considered myself terribly overweight but I've had this nagging 5-10 lbs that I've been trying to lose since I had my last child. I have done Jenny Craig, Weight Watchers, calorie restriction and exercise until the cows came home- these all worked but only short…

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Podcast Episode 141 Covid Vaccine Safety Data

In this week's podcast, we discuss the safety data used to justify the mass vaccination of the world against the covid virus. The number most widely reported claiming the vaccines have a 90%+ efficacy is misleading. This number represents the relative risk reduction from vaccination, not the absolute risk reduction…

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Violeta Testimonial

Over the years, I’ve been dealing with gaining unwanted weight. A busy, stressful, and sedentary life was consuming me and I let myself fall into it with always making excuses to not do anything about it. I have tried many diets and I have spent a lot of money trying…

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