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The air in our homes contains many toxins.  Carpets, couches, mattresses, and other furniture contain toxic flame retardants.  Many household cleaning products contain toxins as well.  

You could buy air filter to help combat your toxic environment.  But most air filters cost $50-$700.  The filters also need to be replaced regularly in order to be effective.

However, a much cheaper and more natural option is buying a plant.  NASA has provided a great guide to buying plants and the toxins they help filter.  If you own a pet, find out if a plant is toxic before buying one.  Peace Lily’s filter out many different types of toxins, but are toxic to both cats and dogs.  A good strategy is to buy two or more different plants that filter different toxins so more of your bases are covered.

Another benefit to having plants in your home is that they provide you with fresh oxygen.  Plants exhale what we inhale and inhale what we exhale.  It’s a perfect symbiotic relationship.  Many of us keep our windows and doors closed during winter or summer, so having some plants around is a great way to get fresh air into your home.

Do yourself a favor and add a some green to your home.

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Mike

    I appreciate the health tip. Never thought about this. Makes good sense. I’m going to get me some plants..

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