Time Stamps
Intro: 0 – 9 minutes
Topic of Podcast: 9 – 54 minutes
Tip of The Week: 54 – 57 minutes
In this week’s podcast, we review the movie, “Fat: A Documentary” by Vinnie Tortorich. This movie outlines the crazy history of the US dietary guidelines and how we got it all wrong!
The movie covers topics ranging from:
-The all-meat diet and the studies done on the original carnivore diet practitioner Vilhjalmur Stefansson.
-The ground breaking research of Otto Warburg outlining the dysfunctional metabolism of cancer cells and their ability to ferment glucose even in the presence of oxygen.
-The ways in which World War 2 drastically changed the perception of diet on our overall health.
-How President Eisenhower having a heart attack shifted the dietary recommendations for the entire nation.
-And of course, it also touched on the dreaded Ancel Keys and his Diet Heart Hypothesis.
We review all these topics and much more on this podcast and finish by giving our overall impressions of the movie, so go check it out!