You are currently viewing Podcast Episode 42 Donuts

In this week’s podcast, we discuss the metabolic effects of eating donuts. Sorry to break it to you, but donuts might be the worst thing in the world to eat.

First, they’re loaded with sugar! We just went over the effects of sugar in a recent podcast. LINK HERE

Second, they’re always fried in industrial seed oils. We just went over the effects of industrial seed oils in a recent podcast. LINK HERE

The main focus of this podcast revolved around the combo of pairing fat with sugar (and how that is a quick way to become diabetic) as well as the anti-nutrient, Lectin, which, in the case of donuts, is the lectin known as wheat germ aglutinin, better known as gluten. 

If you want to learn more about the metabolic effects of pairing fat with sugar, as well as what’s really going on with all this “gluten” talk, check out this week’s podcast.