You are currently viewing Podcast Episode 38 Toxins All Around Us

In this week’s podcast, we take a deep dive into all of the various toxins we’re exposed to on a daily basis. We specifically look into glyphosate, heavy metals, water, and various cosmetics, and how these toxins affect our health.

Links to all the studies mentioned are provided in the podcast show notes.

Show Notes

  1. Gylphosate (Round Up)
      • The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) identifies glyphosate as “probably carcinogenic to humans” based on both epidemiological and animal studies.
      • In 2018, Monsanto, the makers of Round Up now owned by Bayer, was ordered to pay $289 million to a groundskeeper that used Round Up regularly as part of his job and developed non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, a type of cancer
      • This article by Dr. Chris Kresser states that glyphosate increases oxidative stress in the body.  Oxidative stress is caused by too many free radicals without enough antioxidants to offset them.  Dr. Chris Kresser recommends that glyphosate “should be avoided whenever possible.” 
      • Oxidative stress damages the mitochondria and DNA of cells.  Once your mitochondria are damaged, many problems can arise
      • Too much oxidative stress can lead to many chronic diseases including some of the leading causes of death:
        • Autoimmune
        • Cancer
        • Cardiovascular Disease
        • Diabetes
        • And many more
      • According to Dr. Chris Kresser, glyphosate disrupts the cytochrome p450 enzyme.  An enzyme that IS involved in detoxification, cholesterol synthesis, and converting testosterone into estrogen
      • Fancy of saying that it binds to minerals 
      • According to a study by NIH, these minerals are calcium, cobalt, copper, iron, magnesium, and zinc
      • Amino acids usually bind to these minerals in order for the body to be absorbed
      • Glyphosate can lead to mineral to deficiencies which can lead to a wide variety of issues including celiac disease, gluten intolerance, and kidney disease  
    • WHERE IS IT?
      • Items containing glyphosate include:
        • Any non-organic crop
        • This includes all corn & wheat products
          • So snacks like chips, popcorn, cookies, dam near everything
        • Cotton (clothing & tampons)
        • Coffee
        • Wine
        • Tap water

3. Heavy Metals

      • The term heavy metal refers to any metallic chemical element that has a relatively high density and is toxic or poisonous at low concentrations. 
        • Examples of heavy metals include mercury (Hg), cadmium (Cd), arsenic (As), chromium (Cr), thallium (Tl), and lead (Pb)
        • Mostly exposed to heavy metals through water
    • They high jack enzymatic reactions. Metals are used as co factors in numerous reactions. Damn near all of them.
    • Magnesium for example involves in over 600 reactions. Lead can take its place and render those reactions useless.
    • Best method to remove heavy metals from water is reverse osmosis
  1. Cosmetics
    • The U.S. federal government does not test for the safety of ingredients other than coloring additives in cosmetics and personal care products
    • Safety of products is up to the manufacturer, seems like a bit of a conflict of interest
    • The FDA will investigate products if they seem to be unsafe, but this is only after they’ve been  on the market and have caused health issues
    • Phthalate
      • Found in lotions and skin care products
      • According to a study by NIH, phthalates impair androgen production and can lead to Androgen Insufficiency Syndrome
      • This can lead to many reproductive issues in men including infertility
      • This can also cause men to become estrogen dominant, where they will start to show the features of a woman but have the genetic make up of a man, like man boobs
      • Women are not off the hook, that same study showed that phthalates can cause birth defects in children, such as the one’s just discussed
    • Parabens
      • Found in skin care, make up, and deodorants/antiperspirants
      • According to a study by NIH, parabens at as androgen antagonists by inhibiting sulfotransferase enzymes, an enzyme responsible for their production
      • This can lead to male infertility as well as estrogen dominance
      • Parabens seem to increase the chance of breast cancer in women
  1. What can we do about all the toxins
    • Avoidance
    • Fasting
      • Cheaper than free, you actually save money by not going to the grocery store
      • According to Dr. Alan Goldhamer, the benefits of fasting come from
        • Avoiding putting more toxins into your body
        • Allows the body to remove toxins present in the body
        • Allows the body to heal itself
  • Sweating
      • Free
      • Skin is largest detox organ
      • Use a sauna instead of a steam room, steam rooms normally don’t filter the water used to create the steam so you may be breathing in more toxins as you’re eliminating others
      • Best if done a parasympathetic state.  Try to relax, listen to calming music or meditate
    • Plants in your home
      • Plants have the ability to remove many toxins from the air in our homes
      • Here is an article I wrote going into more detail, along with a NASA provided shopping list