You are currently viewing Podcast Episode 146 Fasting 101

For the podcast this week, we discuss how, when, and why you should incorporate some sort of fasting into your daily routine. There are so many benefits to fasting that it would be impossible to list them all, but there are two big benefits that we discuss in the podcast. The first one is overall weight loss, which most people are looking for. The second reason is that fasting also promotes a process called autophagy. This is cellular recycling in which your body goes through and breaks down old and broken cells and replaces them with new healthy cells.

Eating carbohydrates and processed foods constantly, which the standard American diet promotes, actually hinders your bodies ability to reap the benefits of autophagy therefore, changing your diet and incorporating some sort of fasting into your routine will allow your body to better heal from the normal stresses of daily life.

Fasting doesn’t have to mean you don’t eat or drink for days on end. A very simple and easy way to incorporate fasting into your daily routine is to do some sort of intermittent fast. The most common version is the 16:8 method. This means you eat all your meals in a 8 hour window and the other 16 hours of the day you don’t eat any food. During this window you are allowed fluids that contain no or very few calories. Drinks like water, coffee or tea without added sugar or creamer are perfectly fine. 

To learn more about why you should fast and the easiest ways to implement it into your daily routine, listen to this week’s podcast. 

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