You are currently viewing Podcast Episode 132 The Dangers of Biopsies

In this week’s podcast, we discuss the dangers of having a biopsy to diagnose cancer. Getting a biopsy after an abnormal scan is the current standard of care. It is the established dogma.

There are plenty of examples throughout history in which the established dogma turned out to not be true. 

The church said for hundreds of years that the sun rotated around the earth, we found out later this wasn’t true.

People used to think that “bad air” caused diseases, called the miasma theory, this was also found out not to be true. That was replaced by the germ theory of disease. 

For years, we’ve been told that cancer is caused by genetic mutations, this is referred to as the somatic mutation theory. This is the current dogma and just by looking at our history, is there a chance this could be wrong?

We argue that this theory should be replaced with the mitochondrial metabolic theory. This theory has more evidence supporting it and gives us a way forward in actually curing cancer that the somatic mutation theory doesn’t. 

When viewing biopsies through the lens of the somatic mutation theory, it makes sense how they can be practical in preventing and treating cancer, however, when viewed through the lens of the metabolic theory, biopsies become obsolete. Not only do they not help but they can actually do harm.

Getting a biopsy does nothing for how we approach the actual cancer treatment we give you. Currently, it’s all a combination of toxic radiation, chemotherapy, and surgery no matter what type of cancer it is.

However, getting a biopsy can lead to metastasis which is huge, in a very bad way. If your cancer stays local and contained it can be removed via surgery, or simply left alone and most of the time it will be fine but when the cancer spreads throughout your body, surgery is no longer a viable option. 

Metastasis is the cause of 90% of the deaths from cancer.

So, preventing metastasis should be the key focus in cancer treatment, yet our current protocol actually promotes metastasis. 

To learn more about the flaws in our current cancer treatments, listen to this week’s podcast.

Time Stamps

0:00 Intro

3:26 Problems With The Current Dogma

10:05 The Harmful Effects of Biopsies 

17:30 How Biopsies Promote Metastasis 

22:25 Our Recommendations For Cancer Treatment

Links To Papers Referenced on Podcast

Consideration of Ketogenic Metabolic Therapy as a Complementary or Alternative Approach for Managing Breast Cancer

The effect of surgical wounding on tumour development

Role of HER2 in wound-induced breast carcinoma proliferation

Does the act of surgery provoke activation of “latent” metastases in early breast cancer?

Mammography Screening: Are Women Really Giving Informed Consent?

The effects of surgery on tumor growth: a century of investigations

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