You are currently viewing Podcast Episode 126 Causes of Food Borne Illness

In this week’s podcast, we discuss the source of food borne pathogens. It’s commonly believed that undercooked meat is the primary source of food poisoning, however about 51% of cases come from plants, 42% from land animals, and 6% from aquatic animals.

There are over 9 million cases of food poisoning every year. Narrowing down the cause of food borne illness to one cause is difficult because people eat many different foods at once, symptoms from different pathogens are similar, and the same pathogens can come from both meat and produce.

In any case, the best way to prevent food borne illness is to practice safe cooking practices and proper hand hygiene. If you prepare your meals by thoroughly washing vegetables and cooking meat properly the odds of you having food poisoning is low. To learn more about food borne pathogens, listen to this week’s podcast. 

Link To Paper Mentioned 

Attribution of Foodborne Illnesses, Hospitalizations, and Deaths to Food Commodities by using Outbreak Data, United States, 1998–2008

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