You are currently viewing Podcast Episode 101 Why is Your Face Like That?

In this week’s podcast, we discuss the recent changes to our facial features, which have resulted in most people needing to get their wisdom teeth removed. The topic of the podcast starts at the 11 minute mark.

There are two different theories on why humans today have smaller more narrow jaws causing most people to get their wisdom teeth removed. One theory states that humans went from a diet that required a lot of chewing, for example, eating things like meat and nuts for the majority of their nutrition to a diet heavy in grains and rice that required far less chewing because these new foods were very soft. This theory states that it was this lack of chewing to have caused the bones and muscles of our face to atrophy.

The second theory was originated by Weston A. Price who stated that after the agricultural revolution, humans started eating a diet that was deficient in various vitamins and minerals compared to the diet that our ancestors ate; one that was primarily animal based and had over ten times the amount of fat soluble vitamins like vitamin A and Vitamin D. He believes that this nutritional deficiency caused our facial features to change.

To learn more about this topic and why most people shouldn’t get their wisdom teeth removed, listen to this week’s podcast. 

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