You are currently viewing Nely Roman Testimonial

Tyson is amazing! I would recommend him to pretty much anyone either trying to lose weight, have a better lifestyle or relationship to food. I have worked with him for about 2 years. My weight plateaued and he has helped get over those bumps. I continued losing weight in one of the most healthiest ways. Although it has taken time, I know what he has taught me about food will be of use for the rest of life. I never knew how unhealthy I was before using him. I have never really had a good relationship with food and now I do. I acknowledged certain eating habits were related to stress and I will be able to manage that in a better way from now on. This isn’t a diet and I never saw it that way. It is a lifestyle change. I have the utmost gratitude for Tyson getting mentally better but also physically from 240lbs to 168lbs. I started this at a size 18/20 in jeans and now I am a 12/13. It has been a difficult but very rewarding journey!

Before & After
Before & After
80lbs Lost