You are currently viewing AOW #25 PB&J: The Worlds Healthiest Food?

For the podcast this week, we discuss a study that promotes peanut butter and jelly sandwiches as the world’s healthiest food, claiming they can add 33 minutes to your life with every serving. This study also claims that hotdogs are the worst food to eat and has the ability to take 36 minutes off of your life. This is complete BS!

I wouldn’t recommend people eat too many hotdogs as it is, mainly because of what people eat with hotdogs. They are usually paired with a sugar filled pastry masking itself as a bun. On the same plate, you will usually find some chips and the hotdog will be washed down with a soda or maybe some sugary tea. The worst thing about this proposed meal is everything besides the hotdog! The hotdog itself contains high quality protein, meaning it contains a complete amino acid profile and has those said amino acids in a highly bioavailable form and in their correct ratios. It also will contain essential fatty acids which our body needs to perform optimally. 

So in my opinion, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches are way worse than hotdogs. PB&J’s contain a ton of sugar, very low quality proteins and contain a ton of the fat, linoelic acid. This is an omega 6 fat that when eaten in excess, can lead to mitochondrial dysfunction, which is the root cause of the vast majority of diseases of western civilization. Things like heart disease, cancer and diabetes to name a few. 

To learn more about this paper and why it’s complete trash, listen to this week’s podcast. 

Link To Paper Discussed

Eating a hot dog could take 36 minutes off your life, study says

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